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One Hour in Hell

Posted on Dec 14, 2019 in Passion | 0 comments

Paulina was a good Catholic who went to church every week. When she died due to a vehicular accident at 25 years old, she was so shocked to find herself in HELL. She recounts what happened to her in the other side, and reveals the reasons why she was tormented in hell.

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Do You Want to Go to Hell?

Posted on Jul 7, 2018 in Passion | 0 comments

He died and went to hell and saw people, even Christians, suffering there. This is a life-changing account.

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A Glimpse of Eternity by Ian Mccormack

Posted on Sep 22, 2015 in Passion | 0 comments

Ian Mccormack had an amazing encounter with Jesus Christ in heaven and lived to tell about it.

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Visions of Heaven and Hell

Posted on Jul 31, 2015 in Passion | 3 comments

Do you believe that heaven and hell exist? IF THE WORLD WERE TO END TODAY, DO YOU KNOW WHERE YOU WILL GO? This is the personal account of Sarah Boyanga who saw visions of heaven and hell. She saw Michael Jackson and Amiy Winehouse suffering in the fires of hell and in heaven met a sister she was not aware of who died before she was born.

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Posted on Mar 3, 2015 in Everyday Bliss | 0 comments

  Dinner. Mishca asks about heaven and hell. Mishca: “Why we need to tell people about Jesus?” Mommy: ” We need to...

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