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Reader’s Digest Article: The Mark of a Hero

What does it take to be a hero? What are the qualities that set a man or woman above the rest? ? Do you have to have the writing and speaking prowess of Jose Rizal? Or the brains of mega-mogul Bill Gates, perhaps? Will you have to acquire the golf swing of Tiger Woods or the charisma of John F. Kennedy? The world may define success according to the amount of power, riches and intelligence a person possesses. But Jesus Christ has a different definition of greatness.

Jesus said: “Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant.” Greatness according to God is servanthood. When you think about it, Jesus, the God incarnate, came down to earth not to be served but to serve. In fact, the whole reason why he came here is to give his life for us.

You want to be great in God’s eyes? Serve. Serve in love. You want to be a hero according to Jesus’ standards? Help those who are in need. It doesn’t take a genius to do that. Nor does it take great knowledge or power. All it takes is willpower and humility. More so, you don’t need to acquire a master’s degree or be elected as senator to be able to do that. You can start now, right where you are. Look around you. There will always be people who need your help. Your barkada. The old woman crossing the street. Or that new student in your gym class. It can even be people in your own family. And remember, God recognizes your effort no matter how small the act may be. As Jesus had said, “Anyone who gives even a cup of cold water to anyone because he is my disciple will certainly not lose his reward.”

Let me tell you another secret, God often disguises himself as the poor and needy. In the Bible, Jesus says that some day each one of us will face him and give an account of what we have done with our lives. He will commend some people and tell them, “Come and take your inheritance. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you gave invited me in, I was sick and you looked after me. I was in prison and you visited me.” And they will ask Jesus, “When did we see you hungry, thirsty or sick?” Jesus will answer them, “Whatever you did for the least of your brothers, you did for me.”

Now you know the secret to true greatness. The world may not applaud you. You may not become famous or rich, but by Jesus’ standards you will be great. In God’s eyes, you will be a hero!

–by Jennifer Y. Caspe
Written for “Conquest for Christ” Magazine
May 2002

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