iRecommend: Holly’s Premium Farm Fresh Milk
My daughter Mishca has never been a milk formula fan. When she was an infant, the first formula she ever tried made her colicky. The soy milk formula that was prescribed by her pediatrician gave her constipation. When she was a little bigger, we tried to supplement with 3 more brands and all failed the test. One was too sweet, the other too bland and still another tasted like cardboard. What did the trick was fresh milk!
But is fresh milk really fresh when it has a shelf life of 6-months or more? I wondered. Then a friend introduced Holly’s Milk! (Thank you, Marites Q!) And Mishca and I made the big switch! I’ve never been a milk drinker but Holly’s changed that. The milk from Holstein-Sahiwal cows from Laguna tasted like the organic milk that Michael and I had in Canada. (We migrated to Canada a year before Mishca was born but decided to raise her in the Philippines.) The taste is very clean and really refreshing. Although a bit pricey, it is worth every centavo.
We also fancy the yoghurt, which is not too sweet nor too sour, but has a very smooth and creamy feel to it. Just decadent! The low-fat chocolate milk reminded us of the Choco Vim of our youth, when Magnolia produced milk in those dreamy glass bottles. Pure Cocoa with fresh milk, a true chocolate lover’s delight!
We later discovered that Holly’s Milk is produced and delivered fresh every week from the 27-hectare farm of Senator Ramon Magsaysay Jr. in Masaya Bay, Laguna. Situated at the foothills of Mt. Makiling, the Real Fresh Dairy Farm was established by Senator Magsaysay and his partners so that they can be a blessing to the cattle growers and farmers of Laguna and the nearby provinces. The farm began in July 2007 with the purchase of 100 pregnant dairy heifers imported from New Zealand. These cows are well-cared for by the best veterinarians from nearby UP Los Banos and are not given any antibiotics or growth hormones. The milk is pasteurized and not UHT processed (ultra heat temperature processed) so that it doesn’t lose a lot of the essential vitamins and nutrients.The goal of Holly’s according to its President Paco Magsaysay is “to provide locally produced fresh milk that will make every Filipino SMARTER, SHARPER AND STRONGER. A milk product that is prepared the traditional way with all the natural nutrients intact, like what our old folks used to drink and enjoy. . . unadulterated, with no preservatives and harmful chemicals added. A milk product we can truly say is PROUDLY PHILIPPINE-MADE!.”
Our family loved the milk products so much that we decided to distribute them in our neighborhood. We did taste tests and people always commented on how delicious and fresh it was. Kids lined up in our booth again and again and again to the delight of their parents. Some wanted to buy the chocolate milk on the spot. Expats and foreigners compare it with the fresh milk from Japan, Saudi Arabia and Switzerland. We can be proud that we produce dairy products that are at par with the best in the world.
We started distributing Holly’s last December 2013. The only problem we encounter is when my daughter tags along when we do the deliveries, she doesn’t want to give the milk away! She always wants to open a bottle even if she already has her own allotment at home.
Kindly check for distributors in your area.
I’m a big fan of Holly’s Milk. Its so creamy!! 🙂
Just a thought – when did your daughter start on her Fresh MIlk intake? My kids are breastfed till 1yo and when I tried to switch, they rejected it – apparently, they were allergic to cow’s milk..
Anyhoo.. Love love love Holly’s!! 🙂
Hi Didi!
Thanks for visiting the blog. 🙂 My daughter is breast-fed till now (and doesn’t want to be weaned!Maybe you can give me tips! Coz we’ve tried it all, except me leaving her for a few days). But she started taking a little fresh milk during the day when she was 1 year and 6 months old. I was reluctant at first until I checked with her pediatrician who said it was alright. She liked fresh milk and didn’t fancy of the formulas we’ve tried. Because we were also wary of the oils and high fructose corn syrup in formulas, we just gave her fresh milk. She would drink around 4 to 6 ounces in a day. We discovered Holly’s just late last year. Because of Holly’s she is drinking more, around 1 to 2 cups in a day or more. She said it tastes like my milk.
Sorry to hear that your kids are allergic to cow’s milk. Maybe you can try goats milk which they say is more similar to mother’s milk. Hope to hear from you again soon!
Can pregnant women drink holly’s milk?