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How to Raise Strong Readers Starting at Birth: A Teacher’s Guide

Posted on Nov 27, 2017 in Life | 0 comments

My friend Ella Basco-Inventor, preschool head of Child’s Place Preschool Multiple Intelligence International School, shares with Smart Parenting how you can encourage your children to be readers.

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Hugs and A Caramel Bar

Posted on Apr 2, 2014 in Everyday Bliss | 0 comments

At the Babypalooza bazaar last Saturday March 29. . . Mishca met a 4-year-old girl who was wearing a pink shirt and a silver crown....

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TV:Mishca Jadynn’s Little Feats at 2!

Posted on Jun 2, 2013 in Show & Tell | 0 comments

She smiled at 2 days old and learned to recognize words at 7 months! By 14 months she could already read words out loud. Get to know our little wonder more through this video.

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