Hugs and A Caramel Bar
At the Babypalooza bazaar last Saturday March 29. . .
Mishca met a 4-year-old girl who was wearing a pink shirt and a silver crown.
“Mommy, can I hug her?” she asked.
I was quite puzzled by the request, so I asked why.
She pointed at the girl’s shirt.
I had to go down to her level to see what she was pointing at. When I looked, indeed it was written at the lower portion of the girl’s shirt were the words “hugs and kisses.”
“How did you know that?” I exclaimed.
Instead of asking me, she asked me again.
“Can I hug her?”
“You ask the little girl.”
The girl was just bug-eyed as she gave her a big, warm hug. Perhaps she was as startled as I was. Mishca told me later that she learned the word from her “Baby Can Read” video.
An Early Summer at Hamilo Coast1-6-14
“No, Mishca. You already ate a lot of sweets today. Let’s save that for tomorrow.”
“Mommy, can I? Can I?”
“No. . .”
Just then a cute little girl with curly hair came to our table. And she was smiling at us, obviously pleased to meet another child close to her age. The name of the child was Ayee and she’s 18 months old, her mom told us.
“Mommy, can I give my caramel bar to her?”
“Of course!”
Then she proceeded to hand the little girl her cherished treat. This child never fails to amaze me.