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My Waterbaby Turns One

Posted on May 3, 2018 in Everyday Bliss | 0 comments

My waterbaby is 1!   I still go gaga every time I hear him call me “Mama”, or every time he smiles shyly and puts his hands...

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Tokens from my 5-year-old

Posted on Dec 20, 2016 in Everyday Bliss | 0 comments

Tokens from my 5-years-old who never fails to surprise me with her love and devotion 🙂 I was half asleep when Mishca barged into the...

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Huey and Me

Posted on Mar 18, 2005 in Life | 4 comments

The first time I ever laid my eyes on him in that huge showroom, I knew he was the one for me. Huey and I go a long way back. In fact,...

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