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Are We Paying To Unwittingly POISON Our Kids?

An American neurosurgeon, a UCLA  pediatrician and a Philadelphia-trained nephrologist  say yes. In fact,  the latter  left conventional practice when she saw how vaccines have damaged her patients’ health, requiring them to have dialysis for life. 

Your doctor will not tell you this. He or she will probably negate or pooh-pooh what you will read below. But if you love your children, take time to read what these concerned doctors, medical professionals and researchers have to say. Think about it: they are not earning a single cent from you, and they risk their reputation and their medical practice by putting out information that is contrary to what those big drug companies would have you believe. I hope this encourages you to do your own research, to ask your doctor the right questions, instead of blindly sacrificing your child on the altar of supposed good health.


Photo courtesy of Piyachok Thawornmat and
Dr. Rusell Blaylock, neurosurgeon, health practitioner and author:

VACCINES AND ALUMINUM. During the debate over the cause of autism, much of the early attention focused on the mercury additive thimerosal. Mercury is a powerful neurotoxin, as has been well demonstrated in scientific literature.

Yet somehow the medical establishment ignored 100 years of studies clearly demonstrating the toxicity of mercury. Then sympathetic scientists flooded the medical literature with “studies” that found no harm at all from mercury/thimerosal.

Then–amazingly–these same “scientists” actually wrote articles that implied mercury improved IQ.

Of course, everyone who knew better preferred to hide in the shadows rather than point out the glaring flaws in those studies. Vaccinations had joined the ranks of political correctness.

What remained in the shadows during all this fuss over vaccination was the obvious toxicity of aluminum. Compelling research had previously demonstrated that aluminum was a accumulative neurotoxin,even in small concentrations. It had also been demonstrated that aluminum had a tendency to concentrate in the hippocampus, an area of the brain vital to critical functions including: learning, memory, emotions.

There were two other areas of the nervous system that were known to be very sensitive to aluminum toxicity and to concentrate aluminum–the midbrain and the motor neurons of the motor cortex and spinal cord.

It was, of course, no coincidence that aluminum was concentrating in areas of the brain associated with early childhood neurodevelopment, as well as in areas associated with three major neurodegenerative diseases–Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and ALS. As we shall see, it also concentrates in the myelin covering of neural pathways, linking it to another degenerative disease–multiple sclerosis.
Aluminum has been added to vaccines for almost 90 years; its purpose is to stimulate the immune system to react against the organism in the vaccine. When injected into the muscles, the aluminum forms a complex with invading organism (such as the influenza virus). This complex then attracts the body’s immune cells, which react to the aluminum-influenza complex by generating antibodies. At the same time, the body makes a genetic record of the invading organism for future reference.

Or at least that is how it is supposed to work.

In fact, the operation of the immune system is still largely a mystery. Yet, there is growing evidence that our current vaccination policy is, ironically, weakening our immune systems. In fact, recurring natural exposure to childhood viruses not only keeps our immune systems resistant to infections, it also provides resistance to cancer.

Two friends of mine have written a paper on the neurotoxic effects of aluminum ajuvants in vaccines. In this eye-opening study,they analyze data on the prevalence of autism spectrum disorders recorded from 1991 to 2008, and correlate it with the total aluminum dose from all vaccines mandated by the CDC for children up to age 6. They did the same for the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Sweden, Finland, and Iceland.

It is known that injected aluminum adjuvants remain at the site of the injection for years, and that aluminum is slowly being released into the bloodstream and enters the other organs, including the brain. Hundreds of cases of a new disorder called macrophagic myofasciitis, which affects specialized immune cells (macrophages), have been linked to aluminum in the muscle tissue. It has also been associated with progressive brain degeneration in children vaccinated with the tetanus and hepatitis B vaccines.

ALUMINUM LEVELS IN VACCINES EXCEED FDA LIMIT The FDA has set the safe dosage limit for aluminum at 5 mcg/kg body weight per day. Below are the aluminum contents of commonly administered vaccines:

*DTaP (diphtheria, tetnus, and pertussis)–625 mcg
*HepatitisB– 37 mcg
*Hepatitis A– 250 mcg
*Hib (haemophilus influenza type B)–225 mcg
*PVC (pneumococcoal conjugate vaccine)–125 mcg

The paper’s authors found that the highest aluminum burden was given to two-month-opld babies: 270 mcg/kg per day.That is almost 50 times higher than the official FDA safety limit.
If we gave adult an equal dose of aluminum, based on body weight, they would have to get 15 to 38 vaccines in one day.Children from the United States, the U.K. and Canada received significantly higher aluminum burden from their vaccinesthan children from Scandinavian countries.
This study found a strong correlation between the highest aluminum body conten tand the risk of developing autism. The U.K. has the most aggressive vaccine program and the highest incidence of autism in the world at 1 in every 64 births. Unlike other countries that spread out the early vaccines, in the U.K. they are given at birth, and at 1,2,3, and 4 months of age–an incredibly obtuse policy.

ID-10064143                                                 Photo courtesy of duron 123 & www.freedigital


Previous studies have shown that as little as 4-5 mcg/kg of aluminum given to preterm infants can cause neurodevelopmental problems. A study by Carolyn Gallagher and Melody Goodman of the Stony Brook University Medical Center found that boys given the triple series of HepB vaccine from birth were significantly more likely to develop disabilities by age 9.

A follow-up study of boys age 3 to 17 who were vaccinated in their first month had a threefold higher risk of developing autism than did unvaccinated boys. This has been ignored by the vaccine proponents and the media.When challenged by this data, Dr. Paul Offir,a vocal vaccine proponent, defended the policy by saying that infant formulas often contain similar amounts of aluminum. But studies show that only 0.25 percent of aluminum from infant formula is absorbed in the blood, whereas 100 percent of the aluminum injected by vaccination enters the bloodstream.
More than 1 million children have been diagnosed with autism, with 24,000 new cases being diagnosed each year. The largest increase in autism diagnoses occurred in 1992: a 189 percent jump. Why the dramatic increase in cases in 1992? it turns out that six new vaccine doses were added to the vaccine schedule from 1981 to 1992, all given during the first two years of life, a period when the brain is undergoing tremendous development.
The correlation between the aluminum burden from the vaccines and the incidence of autism is strong. What’s more, researchers have found the same correlations in the other eight countries examined. Keep this in mind when it comes time for your children and grandchildren to be vaccinated.


Now that you know about the dangers of aluminum, how can you fight its toxic effect? With these natural substances that can reduce inflammation and remove harmful metals from the body.

BEE PROPOLIS. Several studies have shown that been propolis (a flavonoid-rich, resinous substance that bees collect from tree buds) can counteract the damaging effects of aluminum. Rats given aluminum plus propolis or propolis alone demonstrated an elevation in anti-oxidant enzymes and a return to normal blood lipid profiles. Propolis has also been found to have powerful anti-inflammatory properties.

ASCORBIC ACID. In another study, male New Zealand rabbits were given aluminum chloride and varying doses of ascorbic acid (vitamin C).

Researchers found that Vitamin C significantly reduced the level of free radicals generated by the aluminum and returned total lipid and cholesterol levels to normal.

CHELATORS. A chelator is a substance used to remove excess metal from the body. The traditional pharmaceutical treatment for aluminum overload is desferrioxamine, a chelator that is administered either intramuscularly or via IV. Unfortunately,this can cause painful swelling at the site of the injection and has a number of serious side effects. A newer agent, called Feralex-G, appears to be superiour and can be taken orally. Recent studies have shown that, unlike most other aluminum chelators, Feralex-G can remove aluminum that has bound to the cell nucleus. (Aluminum tightly binds to the nucleic acid DNA; this causes much of its toxicity.) Combining vitamin C with Feralex-G significantly improves removal of aluminum from the cell nucleus, a process called shuttle chelation.

Pages 4-7 Aluminum: Poison Hiding in Plain Sight, The Blaylock Wellness Report, Nov. 2010, by Russell Blaylock, board-certified neurosurgeon, attended the Louisiana University School of Medicine and completeed his internship and neurosurgical residency at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, S.C.

Dr. Jay Gordon, Associate Clinical Professor of Pediatrics, UCLA Medical Center: 

Vaccines can cause autism. Diet and supplements and other alternatives to doing nothing can lead to recovery from autism. Period.

We doctors need to stop deceiving our patients into thinking that immunizations are “free.” Every medical intervention costs the body something, and we have a legal and moral obligation to tell parents.

When I give,for example, amoxicilin for a urinary tract infection, I’m almost apologetic as I describe the rash the kids can get, the possible yeast infections, and the diarrhea that can be caused by this and most other antibiotics. One in ten thousand children could have a dangerous allergic reaction.

When I discuss vaccines with parents, I talk to them about the benefits and the risks. The official position of the American Academy of Pediatrics may be the same as my personal position, but they are far too involved with the pharmaceutical industry to actually do anything but pay lip service to an open discussion. The CDC and AAP are filled with doctors whose research, speaking engagements, and travel are often fun by the manufacturers of vaccines. Many of these same doctors are paid consultants, and some later go to work full-time for the pharmaceutical industry. They have called Jenny McCarthy and me “dangerous” for alerting parents to the possible risks of vaccinations.

They forget that it was one of their own, Dr. Neal Halsey, who wrote the definitive article for the Journal of American Medical Association in 1999. Entitled “Limiting Infant Exposure to Thimerosal in Vaccines and Other Sources of Mercury,” this was the catalyst for removing most mercury from most vaccines. Dr. Halsey is a professor of  International Health and Pediatrics at Johns Hopkins University and he served on the Advisory Committee for Immunization Practices for the CDC and the Committee on Infectious Diseases of the AAP. He has never been anything but a strong advocate for vaccinations and adherence to the AAP’s and CDC’s immunization protocols. The Summer 1999 issue of Hepatitis Control Report, featuring Dr. Halsey’s findings and opinions, stated that “pediatricians who continue to administer thimerosal containing vaccines could face a flurry of lawsuits, perhaps claiming that children had acquired learning disabilities from mercury exposure.” He didn’t know just how prescient this statement was: I am writing this foreword some weeks after the U.S. Court of Federal Claims, which handles compensation to those people who claim injury from vaccines (dubbed the “vaccine court” by the press), issued an award to a family whose daughter developed autism after a series of vaccines. And, just this week, that same court is considering the cases of nearly five thousand other families whose children developed autism after vaccination.

Yes, most vaccines have much less mercury, but wait until the evidence against aluminum in vaccines becomes common knowledge. The body of  research regarding aluminum’s harm to human cells already contains hundreds of articles. The most damning conclusions were recently published by Dr. Robert Sears, a very well-known and well-respected pediatrician and the son and partner of Dr. William Sears, long regarded as “America’s Pediatrician.” Using the numbers he gathered from the Federal Drug Administration’s (FDA) own data and Web site, Dr. Sears points out the unbelievable difference between the acknowledged toxic dose for a baby, 20 micrograms, and the amount found in the hepatitis B vaccine given on the day of birth, 250 micrograms. At two months of age, this same infant could receive immunizations containing as much as 1,875 micrograms of aluminum. This is disgraceful and dangerous, and Dr. Sears goes on to say that his “instinct was  to assume that the issue had been properly researched, and that studies had been done on healthy infants to determine their ability to rapidly excrete aluminum.” No studies have been done. None. He, and we, can conclude what scientists have known for a long time: Evidence has existed for years that aluminum in amounts this large is harmful to humans. We can only guess what harm we might be causing to babies with these huge overdoses of aluminum.

In mid-2008, Dr. Bernadine Healy finally spoke up. Dr. Healy is the former head of the United States National Institutes of Health (NTH) and a key member of the Institute of Medicine. Referring to the association between thimerosal, vaccines, and autism, Dr. Healy said, “I think public health officials have been too quick to dismiss the hypothesis as ‘irrational, ‘ without sufficient studies of causation . . . without studying the population that got sick.” I believe she’s just one of many intelligent doctors and scientists who know that we need to study the link between vaccines and autism and other neuroimmune disorders.
Like many of you and like some of my colleagues, I’m extremely concerned about what has caused the tremendous increase in autism and related disorders over the past decade. The presumption that doctors are much better at diagnosis is absurd and unscientific. (I know that I’m not 400 or 800 percent smarter than I was years ago.) The truth is that we have to look much harder at what happens when we directly and repeatedly inject toxic material into babies, toddlers, and children. The benefits for most healthy children are easily matched or outweighed by the risks of the immunization schedule used by almost all pediatricians. Some of our vaccines have outlived their usefulness in the United Sates and elsewhere, and others need reformulation to make them safer for those families who want their children to receive them.

Doctors have to acknowledge and help research the therapies that lead to recovery from autism, recovery brought on by therapies long ignored by the AAP and others. Dairy-free, gluten-free, sugar-free diets have succeeded far too many times for any doctor to claim that they’re not “evidence-based.” Evidence doesn’t spring just from medical studies funded by drug companies and supervised by MDs and researchers on their payrolls. Evidence can come from the hundreds of families and doctors who have watched children with autism get better and even fully recover from the symptoms that have kept them from mainstream education and social opportunities. This is hard evidence and to deny it is specious reasoning and bad science. Behavioral therapy works; hyperbaric oxygen works; evaluation and treatment of intestinal infection can lead to lessening of symptoms and a dramatic improvement in the quality of life for these children and their families.  –Jay N. Gordon, M.D., F.A.A.P., I.B.C.L.C., F.A.B.M. Assistant Clinical Professor of Pediatrics, UCLA Medical Center Former Senior Fellow in Pediatric Nutrition, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Institute  –From the FOREWORD of the book Mother Warriors

Nephrologist Suzanne Humphries, MD:

– See more at:

Here are a few common misconceptions about NOT vaccinating:

You are putting other people at risk by not vaccinating.  At risk for what?  Chicken pox? Ask your grandmother if she knew anyone who died from measles.  Different diseases have different degrees of severity in different age groups.  The misconception that “if you don’t vaccinate, you place others at risk” is based on an assumption that vaccinated people do not get the disease they were vaccinated for.  Did you know that a controlled study published in BMJ in school age children showed that of all the whooping cough that was diagnosed, over 86% of the children were fully vaccinated and up to date for the whooping cough vaccine? There are similar studies showing that mumps and measles breakouts often effect the vaccinated. People who are vaccinated can have their immune systems altered in a manner that leads to susceptibility to other infectious diseases, and can also leave them vulnerable to the disease they were vaccinated for due to a phenomenon called “original antigenic sin”.  What is ”original antigenic sin”?  This is where an injected vaccine antigen programs the body to react in a manner that is incomplete, and different to the natural response to infection .  When the vaccinated contact that disease again, they are unable to mount an effective response to the pathogen because vital first steps are missing.  The whooping cough vaccine is an example of this.

Pro-vaccine doctors sometimes cite “peer reviewed literature” to supposedly prove their point, yet a closer look at their own literature often proves otherwise – as does a closer look at the sick population of vaccinated children they supposedly care for.

Furthermore a close look at medical text books down the decades reveals a very interesting trend.  In the 1920s and 30s, doctors were often quite relaxed over diseases which today are presented as more deadly than the plague.  Many grandparents today are completely bemused at the way the medical profession describes infections which were to most of them, straightforward holidays off school.

This is not stating that there were never serious consequences.  There sometimes were.  However, today, most parents erroneously believe that every child will die from diseases which most grandparents found were nuisance value only.

The medical system now considers measles more dangerous than the plague, and the most dangerous disease known to man.  Yet there is no need to be afraid of measles, because well-nourished children who get adequate vitamin A have an unremarkable course to recovery.  Boredom might be their biggest whine.

I have discovered that whooping cough isn’t something to be scared of either.  In the days when my only tool was an antibiotic, whooping cough occasionally caused me considerable concern, but not today.  I’ve watched many parents all over the world treat whooping cough every simply by using high doses of vitamin C and occasionally homeopathy. They see rapid improvement and no serious complications.  But you will not read about these cases in “peer reviewed literature” and your doctor doesn’t know about them, because sick children – the ones they see and often create – are the only ones counted in the morbidity statistics.  Healthy children who uneventfully recover, are not seen by the medical system and therefore are not counted.

The serious consequences from most childhood diseases comes from just a few things; infant formula, cow’s milk, common medical drugs especially antibioitcs, malnutrition, and vaccines, as well and a lack of knowledge about simple methods of home nursing.

– See more at:


Photo courtesy of Vichaya Kiatying-Angsulee and
SO WHAT NOW? If you are uneasy about totally not vaccinating your child, kindly read this article by Illinois osteopathic physician and surgeon Dr. Mercola. 


The issue of vaccination has been a controversial topic for many years. It remains one of the bedrocks of “prevention” in conventional medicine, despite the overwhelming evidence showing that vaccinations at best do not work, and at worst can cause serious health problems.

And yet, anyone who opposes them is viewed as a dangerous quack and a threat to public health. I understand this because that was precisely the view I had when I graduated medical school. However, after more than two decades of practice where I encountered hundreds of vaccine casualties — which spurred me to review the evidence through a more critical lens — I changed my mind-set entirely.

There may be a slight glimmer of hope that this dangerous tide will eventually change, however. The U.S. government recently came to the unprecedented conclusion that childhood vaccines did contribute to the onset of autism in 9-year-old Hannah Poling. According to U.S. Division of Vaccine Injury Compensation, the shots “significantly aggravated an underlying mitochondrial disorder” and resulted in a brain disorder “with features of autism spectrum disorder.”

Poling was one of three test cases alleging the vaccine preservative thimerosal caused autism. So even though federal officials keep insisting there is no link between autism and vaccines, this concession says otherwise, and may influence the outcome of the remaining 4,900 cases pending review by the “Vaccine Court.”

The fact that the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has paid out more than $1.5 billion to families and children who have been injured or killed by vaccines also speaks volumes about the supposed “safety” record of vaccines…

The Insanity of the Recommended Childhood Immunization Schedule

I published Dr. Donald Miller’s excellent article, A User-Friendly Vaccination Schedule in 2004. At that time, 12 different vaccines were given to children before they reached the age of two.

As of 2008, the Recommended Childhood Immunization Schedule put out by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), that number has risen to 14 in the first 24 months, plus the meningococcal vaccine, which is to be administered between the age of two and six.

Infants and toddlers aged 0 to 6 years of age are now inoculated against the following:

Hepatitis B Rotavirus
Hepatitis A Measles
Diphtheria Mumps
Tetanus (lockjaw) Rubella (German measles)
Pertussis (whooping cough) Varicella (chickenpox)
Polio Meningococcal
Pneumococcal infections Influenza (yearly flu shots)
Hemophilus influenzae type b infections

By the time your child starts school he or she will have received more than 36 injections, including four doses each of vaccines for Hemophilus influenzae type b infections, diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis — all of them given during the first 12 months of life.

And now consider this: one vaccine injected into a 13-pound, two-month old infant is equivalent to 10 doses of the same in a 130-pound adult. Where is the common sense in these guidelines?

Would any adult concede to being injected with 360 doses of vaccines within a couple of years’ span; equal to one injection every other day for two years?

Public health officials have NEVER proven that it is indeed safe to inject this number and volume of vaccines into infants. What’s more, they cannot explain why, concurrent with an increasing number of vaccinations, there has been an explosion of neurological and immune system disorders in American children.

Is There a More Sensible Vaccination Schedule?

Dr. Donald Miller is a cardiac surgeon and Professor of Surgery at the University of Washington in Seattle and a member of Doctors for Disaster Preparedness. His more sensible vaccination schedule, which I published back in 2004, is worthy of being revisited at this time.

Many are both scared and confused as they try to make healthier choices for their children, and his guidelines may help you devise a more appropriate vaccination plan for your child – a schedule that takes the best interests of your child into consideration rather than what biased government planners cite as being best for society. His is a far better approach than the “one-size-fits-all” dogma foisted on Americans by the CDC panel.

And, as Dr. Blaylock describes so vividly in this article, there’s plenty of information and knowledge in neuroimmunology (the study of how the brain’s immune system works) that raises serious questions about the wisdom of injecting vaccines in children less than 2 years of age.

A Child’s Best Time Table

Your brain has its own specialized immune system, separate from that of the rest of your body. When you are vaccinated, specialized immune cells in your brain, the microglia, become activated. Multiple vaccinations spaced close together over-stimulate the microglia, causing them to release a variety of toxic elements — cytokines, chemokines, excitotoxins, proteases, complement, free radicals — that damage brain cells and their synaptic connections.

The damage caused by these toxic substances is what both Dr. Miller and Dr. Blaylock refer to as “bystander injury.”

In humans, the most rapid period of brain development begins in the third trimester and continues over the first two years. (By then, brain development is 80 percent complete.)

From a risk-benefit perspective, there is little doubt that the risk of neurological and autoimmune diseases from vaccinations at this stage far outweigh the benefits of avoiding the childhood infections that they (supposedly) prevent. (One exception is the hepatitis B vaccine, IF the mother tests positive for hepatitis B.)

As a more sensible, “user-friendly” vaccination schedule, Dr. Miller advises the following:
    1. No vaccinations until your child is two years old.
    2. No vaccines that contain thimerosal (mercury).
    3. No live virus vaccines.
    4. The following vaccines should be given one at a time (not as a combination vaccine), every six months, beginning at age 2:
      1.  Pertussis (acellular, not whole cell)
      2.  Diphtheria
      3.  Tetanus
      4.   Polio (the Salk vaccine, cultured in human cells)
And that would be pretty much it as far as vaccinations. Your pediatrician will not like this schedule, but if you have reviewed the evidence and still feel your child should be inoculated to a certain degree, this is a far safer alternative to the standard vaccination schedule.
But please, please do review the research and don’t just vaccinate your child simply because your doctor says you “have to.”
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