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Two Questions That Saved My Life

In my entire life, I’ve been asked so many questions about many things. But there are two questions that literally saved my life.

Q 1: If you die tonight, do you think you would go to heaven?
Q 2: If you appeared in front of God and He asks you would, “Why would I let you into my heaven?” What would you say?


Pretty tough questions aren’t they? But they are worth thinking about. Because you’re eternal destiny is at stake here.

The good news is heaven is a free gift from God. In the Bible, Jesus said, “God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son, that who so ever BELIEVES in Him would not perish but have everlasting life.”

The reason why Jesus came down on earth is to reconcile our broken relationship with God. He died on the cross so that we can have forgiveness of sins. Every one who believes in Jesus can have eternal life. I repeat: Every one who has faith in Jesus will get to live Him forever in heaven. If you have trusted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you can die tonight with the full assurance that you will go to directly to heaven.


You might asking, is it really that easy? You mean I just have to trust in Jesus as my Lord and Savior? You must be kidding. Well, those are Jesus’ words not mine. And Jesus doesn’t lie.
A lot of us has this notion that we have to be extra kind or generous to be able to get a ticket to heaven. In short, we have to work hard to earn a spot in heaven. Well, the Bible says that salvation or eternal life is a free gift. It is a gift from God—not by works, so that no one can boast. No matter how good you are, even if they canonize you as a saint, if you don‘t have Jesus in your life, your eternal destiny is gloomy indeed.

You may be wondering, if good works cannot buy us a slot in heaven, why do good at all? Well, we should do good works out of gratitude to God. Imagine, He has done everything in His power to save us from eternal condemnation and torment. He sacrificed His own son to show how much He loves us. There’s a saying that goes, “Our life is God’s gift to us, what we do with our life is our gift to Him.” Furthermore, as God’s children it is our duty to love God and our neighbor for these are the two most important commandments of God.So let me ask you, If you die tonight, do you think you would go to heaven? If you appeared in front of God and He asks you would, “Why would I let you into my heaven? What would you say?
I hope your answer is: Yes, I will go to heaven because I have trusted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.
If not, why don’t you surrender His life right now? Yes, right now. He’s just a prayer away.

Lord, I confess I’m a sinner and I deserve to die for my sins. Thank you for loving me and sending Jesus to die in my place. I surrender my life to You right now and make You Lord and Savior of my life. Thank you for forgiving my sins and preparing a place in heaven for me. Help me live a life that is pleasing to You. In Jesus Name, Amen.

If you just prayed the prayer above, do drop me a line, ok? You’ve just embarked on the greatest adventure of your life!  

Do you have more questions about God’s plan for your life?  Please click this link to have your questions answered. You may also leave me a note at




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