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My Yearbook Write-up

Jenny is a free-spirited girl who never runs out of antics. She has been seen walking barefoot on newly-cut grass, strolling under a drizzle without an umbrella, humming along the empty corridors in her country dress and hiking boots. An adventurer at heart, she puts to shame some of the more cowardly guys in her batch. Who else would have the guts to climb a building ledge just to get a better angle for a photograph? What girl would jump off a 30-foot cliff and then convince a hesitant jumper that cliff-jumping is no more scarier than falling in love? Who else but Jenny, the person bold enough to brave a sea of humanity just to get a good picture of the Pope for her beloved school paper.

And this Management & Communications major is always in love–with life, with nature and her friends. She sees beauty in everything around her and never fails to amaze friends with her infectious awe for life.

She is a dreamer, someone who unhesitatingly ventures into new worlds to live what she believes in, to develop and share her God-given talents. The passion she exhibits in her various activities extends to her relationships. She is the type of person who takes time out from her classes to buy flowers to surprise a friend. Dependable, thoughtful and generous almost to a fault, she will shower you with attention, hold your hand as you go through the rough and good times, and make you laugh with her candid bloopers and funny retorts.

Jenny–the lady who will never run out of new old-songs to sing, mountains to conquer and far-away stars to wish on. A believer of Jesus Christ and happy endings.

–Ateneo de Manila, 1995 & 1997

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  1. Hi! AdMU ’95? I think we’re batchmates! Found this from INQ7…

  2. Hello, Migs! Visited your site to look for your picture so that I’ll remember you. Wasn’t able to find one. ;( It’s been 10 years since graduation, man! Can you believe it? Thanks for visiting my blog. Go, fellow Atenean! God bless!

  3. Yeah I don’t normally post pics in my serious blog… so I did in this livejournal entry just for reminiscing’s sake. šŸ™‚

  4. I enjoyed reading your year book write up. I attest to all of it. You are a blessing to many, Jenny! You may not realize the extent of your influence, but I believe someday, God will show you.

    I promised myself to write you a letter, which I intend to do tonight…

    Thanks so much for all the encouragement and foresight you have given me.

  5. I’m deeply touched! Thank you, Joy! Mwah!

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