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Swimming in the Dead Sea

In 1997, I had the chance to visit and wade in  the Dead Sea in Israel. It was not part of the tour, but our tour guide took us on a side trip. I had heard that people cannot help but float in the Dead Sea because of its high salt and mineral content. I wanted to experience it for myself!
Photo courtesy of Tuelekz &

We only had 15 minutes there as there was another appointment awaiting us. I had so wanted to feel how it was to float on this famous body of water. It was now or never. However, I was with my tight-lipped and overly protective mom. I looked at her, looked at the tour group composed of conservative middle-aged Asians and looked at the inviting waters. The Dead Sea beckoned and I, throwing all caution to the wind, decided to plunge in–without a set of clothes to wear for the next appointment and without thinking what kind of scolding I would be getting from my mother. As I was enjoying the swim, a 60-plus-year-old man stripped down to his underwear and dove. A few others followed. I had the time of my life. Pursuing your dream empowers other people to pursue theirs, too. It was an experience I will never forget. And oh, my mom never did scold me as everyone in the tour had a good laugh at the 60-year-old man. And the wet clothes dried up very easily under the summer sun–just in time to take me to the next tour attraction.
What is that one thing that you’ve always want to do? Maybe it’s is time to face your fears, take a risk and pursue what is in your heart! “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”-1 Timothy 1:7 KJV



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