The Gift You Most Desire
Going to a toy store still thrills me. In fact, I don’t know who enjoys it more—my little toddler or me. As a mom, I want to give my child everything her heart desires, as long as it is within reason and within the family budget.
I can’t forget the day I got Mishca her first doll. It started with a pink stroller. We agreed on getting a pink baby doll stroller instead of a toy shopping cart. She is at the stage where she loves toys that she can push around the house. Then came the decision about which doll to get. For some reason, she wanted the smallest, cheapest doll in that store. I wanted to give her one that laughs and cries. But all she wanted was that tiny, bald-headed beanie doll. After about 20 minutes of trying to convince her to get the “bigger and better” doll, we ended up buying her first choice.
A week later, I surprised her with a motion-detect doll that moves and talks. As a mom, you can’t help it. You just want to give to your child. Now she is asking me why her first doll is not talking.
This leads me to a realization: If I, a sinful and fallible human being, want to give the best to my daughter, how much more will God, our loving Father, give the best to His children? Ask and you will receive, Jesus promised.
Mishca receiving her favorite ice cream 12/13/12
Let me tell you about two amazing kids who did just that. Nikki and Danee are two regular kids with extraordinary faith. One day their parents decided that they need to find a new place to stay because they found out that the house they were renting was sitting on a fault line. They asked the two girls and their brothers to pray for God to lead them to their new home.
And pray they did, except that Danee and Nikki didn’t just pray for a simple house, they prayed for the house of their dreams. “I want a house that has a soccer field,” thirteen-year-old Danee confided to her gorgeous mom. Danee and her siblings are fond of playing soccer as they are part of a soccer league for kids. Their mom and dad did what most supportive parents do, they looked for houses to rent in subdivisions with soccer fields. “No, mom. I am praying for a soccer field in our house!” said Danee with faith-filled conviction. Eleven-year-old Nikki, on the other hand, was praying for a house with a princess tower. Where can you find a house like that?
A few weeks later a friend from way back called from out of the blue and offered them a place to stay saying God had told them that a special family needed a place to stay. On the same day they set up a look- see. Lo and behold, the house stands on a 1,600-square-meter property, with a garden big enough to contain a—yes, you guessed it—a soccer goal or two! And, believe it or not, this structure has a medieval design. The staircase and two bedrooms are contained in a—you guessed it again—a tower! When the girls saw the house, they both gasped, “This is what I prayed for!”
It would be difficult to believe that such a house exists, except that I was standing on top of the very tower I had just described when Danee and Nikki’s mom told us the amazing story. We were there one moonlit night, with Mishca in tow, to enjoy the panoramic view. And yes, the four siblings has a life-sized soccer goal in the middle of the garden. The best thing is the owners didn’t charge a high rent for their lavishly designed home.
God cared enough to grant Danee and Nikki’s prayer for the house of their dreams, even though it seemed frivolous. Let’s stop doubting Him. In the New Testament book of Mark chapter 6, it was told that Jesus went to his hometown to preach. He wanted so much to bless the people there but their lack of faith hindered him from doing many amazing miracles, except for healing a few sick people. Please don’t hinder an all-powerful God from blessing you. Believe!
God cares deeply for you. He cares for your health and well-being. He cares for your family’s salvation. He cares about how you are going to provide for your family. He cares about the fulfillment of that dream you have. In fact, He was the one who put that desire in your heart. And He cares more than you do for it to be fulfilled. Because He knows that this dream’s fruition will not just bless you, but a host of other people. So take heart! Your loving Father has you in mind! All that is required is for you to ask, believe and be patient–which for both adults and children, can sometimes be the hardest requirement of them all.
Jesus said, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!” -Matthew 7:7-11
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This article was written for the 700 Club Asia website. Read more articles by clicking here.