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The Story Behind Kid StarMaker

We are glad to be featured in Proud to be A Wife and Mama’s blog!  This is an interview conducted by singer, content writer, blogger and commercial model Adrienne Sarmiento-Buenaventura.

While there is absolutely nothing wrong with having household helpers or nannies, there are still a handful of mommies out there who are firm in their belief that they can stand as primary caregivers for their children sans the usual yaya, and our proud wife and mom Jennifer Caspe-Cocuaco is one of them.   Jenn, apart from being a happy homemaker,  is the  owner of  Kid StarMaker, a company that offers personalized books, music & cartoons featuring your little star (your child!).  Let’s get to know her even more, and the fantastic gift ideas her company KID STARMAKER can give us, not just for Christmas or birthdays, but also great for party giveaways, and any time you feel like making your child feel extra-special!

Name: Jennifer Y. Caspe-Cocuaco,

Occupation:  Mompreneur, Kid StarMaker Media Products

Husband: Michael Paul Cocuaco

Child: Mishca Jadynn Cocuaco, 1 year 6 months

How did Kid Starmaker Come About? Explain the concept behind your unique business.

The idea for Kid StarMaker came about while planning Mishca’s 1st birthday party. We wanted to celebrate it by doing something unique. Like most moms, I had a theme. We wanted Precious Moments because of its Christian message and cute doe-eyed characters. Besides, people say our daughter looks a lot like the Precious Moments doll.  We were so happy to have Mishca star as an angel  in an original   Precious Moments cartoon! It was a hit at the party. Our little guests didn’t want to leave and their parents told us that their kids wouldn’t part with their party souvenirs. A child lost a party favor at a supermarket and wouldn’t leave until they located it. Another kid wouldn’t sleep without the souvenirs beside her.I wanted other kids to have a chance to be the “star” of their own party by featuring them in their own cartoon, book and music. That’s how Kid StarMaker came about.


Has business/entrepreneurship always been a passion for you, or was it something you got into when you became a wife and mom? 

Imajored in Business and Communications in college, but I put my entrepreneurial dreams aside and went into media as a writer and TV producer. I have always dreamed of putting up my own business, I just didn’t have the time when I was single because my job was very demanding.  Also, I wanted to put up a business that was connected to my passion of blessing people through the media. Kid StarMaker is a dream come true.

I love it that I can touch children’s lives–encourage them to read, bolster their confidence & creativity, expand the limits of their imagination, teach them positive values– by bringing them these products.

How do you spend your “me-time?”

Me-time nowadays is very limited. Sometimes it’s just 15 minutes of uninterrupted time in the shower. This is because I’m raising my child without a nanny and at 1 year and a half  she is still breastfeeding full-time. I’m not complaining, though, because I really, really love spending time with her. I have gone out on shopping sprees without my daughter and I always end up thinking I should have just brought her along because I end up missing her.


What is a typically “husband-and-wife” date for you?  How do you cherish time with your husband?

My husband loves traveling. He told me that this is quality time for us as a couple. He keeps buying promo airline tickets and loves surprising me with trips. Sometimes I feel it’s too much, but  for him this is how we connect. Our daily nighttime talks also keeps us close. We can talk for hours at night, even if we’re together the rest of the day.


What makes you a proud wife? What makes you a proud mom?

I’m  very proud that I have a husband who loves God and wants to please Him more than anything. It’s not hard to support a man who has the right priorities. And I really feel so blessed (oh, yes and spoiled!) that  his second priority in life seems to be to make me happy.  I’m proud that he is more excited  than I am about my goals and dreams and is not intimidated by my success.Although I’m proud that she is such a fast learner (She started reading at 7 months, understands & speaks 3 languages and has a very sharp memory), what I most love about my daughter is her  passion to worship God. She started raising her hand in worship when she was confined in the hospital at 10 months. My husband and I were singing and we were surprised when she raised her arm–the one with the IV–to join in worship, even if we didn’t coach her to do it. She’s been doing this almost every day! She has her own world with God when we play her worship CDs.  Her favorite songs now are the B-I-B-L-E and God of Wonders.


What are your bonding activities with your little daughter?

Every minute with her is bonding time, since I’m still nursing her. She likes being sung to and makes requests by singing the 1st words of the songs she likes. Then, she sings along! Yesterday, I was surprised when she finished the first 2 lines of  the Mandarin version of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star!


How ‘do you strike a balance between family life and work, considering that you’re not only a hands-on mom but also have your hands full with other commitments?

Honestly, it’s a work in progress. I can’t  finish my chores without praying to God to give me more time by allowing my daughter to nap or play or stay in the crib longer! And He does! I’m also very grateful for the support of my parents (my daughter’s unofficial yaya and yayo!) and my husband who come to my aid when I really need a hand.


Leave our readers words of encouragement, especially for fellow business-minded wives and moms like yourself.

I believe everything starts with that dream that God has put in your heart. Do not bury it or let it die. Ask God for the grace to nurture it and the resolve to act on it. I believe He will  bring it to fruition at the right time. I also believe that our kids are our greatest source of inspiration. Let our love for them goad us into the fulfillment of our dreams.


Why did you decide to be a hands-on mom? Share with us a short story that made you realize that you made the right choice in being your child’s primary caregiver.

I honestly cannot imagine not being there to witness all of my child’s firsts. I will feel very cheated if a yaya gets to see her first smile or her first step. I  grew up with a mom who went to work every day and I felt how lonely it was to be left to the care of a yaya. I didn’t want that for my child. More so, it’s so hard to find a reliable yaya these days. All these factors made me decide to be my baby’s primary caregiver. I’m very glad that my husband supported my decision.Every milestone that I see my baby achieve makes me feel so happy that I am a full-time mom. I consider it a luxury actually. Not all can do this, I know. I feel so privileged to have this time with my daughter and the other babies to come. Love makes what others call a “sacrifice” such a joy!


What sets your business apart from other online businesses? 

Number 1: We offer a whole range of media items for kids from age 1 to 100. Moms and kids have plenty of choices.  I believe our products are unique and will make every child that receive them feel very special.

Number 2:  It’s easy to order an item online. People can go to the website to read the contents of the book, listen to the music cds and view the cartoons. There’s  no more need to  call in order to know if your child’s name is in our database because clients can check it online. We do, however, encourage you to call if you have any question. We  love getting feedback as well. Our contact numbers are displayed on every page of the website.

Number 3: We offer the following services:

1. Downloadable gift items for children who may be abroad. Our downloadable items are cheaper, too, so it will be a good consideration for the budget-conscious

2. E-gift certificates for gift-givers who want to be sure the children receive the gift that they really like. It also saves the gift-giver the hassle of going through our entire gift catalogue.  You purchase the gift voucher, give us the email of the recipient and we can do the rest.

3. Party Packages for those who want us to be part of their child’s celebration. We can personalize your party souvenirs on the spot for every guest.Because of the amount of personal details needed to make every product, we encourage our clients to visit our website at to order. However, if they have questions not addressed by the website’s How-to page, we can be reached through our landline 4000-787 and mobile number 0922-8523552. We also try to answer our emails within 24 hours. You may email us at



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