Everything is O-kay!
Another day in the life of a mommy with no nanny. . .
I heard a loud shriek from the other room this afternoon. It was Mishca. As she was jumping in bed to entertain her baby brother, she hit her head on the corner of the headboard. It was a hard bump and she was sobbing as she told me her story. Suddenly 23-month-old Zach who was watching her from below the bed interjected in a low and tender voice, “It’s o-kay. . . ”
We were both surprised that he was aware of what was happening and that he knew how to console his sister.Then I remembered that that’s what we always tell him when he comes crying with a boo-boo.
NOTE TO SELF: Never underestimate the power of your words and actions. Your little ones are always watching, listening and imitating you.
There was a surprise delivery for us today. I was in our bedroom minding the kids. One was homeschooling and the other was in his crib watching his favorite video. The Lalamove delivery man told me that the package was not paid yet so I dashed up to the house a second time to get money. I did not know that I was not able to close the child safety gate as I rushed to pay the delivery guy, not wanting to keep him waiting.
After closing the gate, an inner voice impressed upon me that I had just lost money. Well, I reasoned with myself, if that’s the case then let it be a tip. I lingered at the living room to catch my breath when I heard somebody babbling at the top of the stairs. I thought my almost 8-year-old daughter was going down the stairs and babbling like her baby brother to make me panic. It turned out it really was my 23-month-old son
“Mommy, Zach was able to escape from the crib!” Mishca shouted. At this point, I was still in disbelief. How could my toddler escape the crib? It was high and he had not mastered climbing out of it yet. Also, I was thinking the safety gate was locked as we would make sure to do that every time.
Since I am pregnant, I leisurely made my way up the stairs, only to find Mishca hugging Zach to prevent him from coming down on his own. He was saved by his Achie from a bad fall. Mishca said she was answering her worktext, when she noticed that her brother had left the room so she looked for him and found him about to step down the stairs. I am very thankful Zach’s sister and the angels were watching my precocious toddler in my place.
When he got home, I told my husband the whole story. He told me that the Lalamove delivery was paid in advance. It turned out that the delivery guy lied to me to get more money. He did not know his action almost caused our family harm. Thank God for technology. When nicely confronted by my husband, the rider apologized and returned the money by crediting it back to my husband’s Lalamove account.
As parents, there are so many things we cannot foresee or control, but God is always there to watch and guide our children. Let’s remember to pray for them every day and entrust them to the One who loves them the most.
“I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.
2 My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.
3 He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber.
4 Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.
5 The Lord is thy keeper: the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand.
6 The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night.
7 The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul.
8 The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.” Psalm 121