How God Healed Me of A Leaky Gut and Hypothyroidism
Is anything to hard for God? Can God heal chronic diseases like hypothyroidism and leaky gut?
The answer is resounding YES!
This is my story.
This year I celebrated my birthday at home by blowing the candle on top of a chocolate cake in front of my family. As I took a bite of the delicious chocolate cake which my husband got for me, I was brought back to the time when I could not enjoy even a slice of cake.
A bout with dengue in 2015 had left my immune system in disrepair and I contacted a bad case of bronchitis. I wanted to get well right away as I was still nursing my eldest daughter that time. I went to the doctor and he prescribed a strong antibiotic, which I took in two cycles. I did not know at that time that the medicine affected my gut, causing an imbalance that I would pay for very dearly.
Three months later, we were happy to discover that I was pregnant. The pregnancy went well except that I felt more tired than usual and suffered from occasional headaches and diarrhea, which I thought were all common pregnancy symptoms. At 12 weeks pregnant, I was shopping in a mall, when I noticed that I was bleeding. I lost the baby three weeks after that.
Hoping to get pregnant again, I read everything I can about possible causes of miscarriages. It kept coming back to me that I should have my thyroid levels checked, as hypothyroidism is a leading cause of miscarriages. I had myself checked and true enough I had subclinical hypothyroidism which was caused by what they call a leaky gut.
In the months that followed, the sub-clinical hypothyroidism became clinical as my TSH level climbed. I also noticed that aside from being more panicky and sluggish than usual, I became sensitive to anything that contained gluten and fat. My stomach could not digest the usual foods that I used to love. Ice cream, pizza, chocolate, baked salmon and even healthy soup made my stomach hurt. I had to give up bread, pasta and anything that contained gluten. It was not easy!
After 9 months of this, my birthday came and my one wish was to have a garden salad buffet at Sonya’s Garden. I asked God to exempt me from gluten sensitivity on birthday. Once we were at Sonya’s Garden, I questioned the silliness of my prayer and thought of forgoing the birthday buffet. As I was thinking that, I lifted my eyes as I entered Sonya’s Country Store and I saw a book title that called out to me. “Jesus Heals You,” it said on the front cover. I knew then and there that it was a message from God to me.
I partook of all the dishes served to me that day— all the fresh fruits and vegetables, plus all the bread, pasta and chocolate cake! And yes, God gave me a miracle. My tummy did not ache at all. However, after my birthday, I became sensitive to gluten again.
I got pregnant a month later and my endocrinologist had my thyroid levels checked again. It was still too high and dangerous for pregnancy so she put a higher dose of thyroid medication. That persisted until I gave birth to a healthy baby boy, whose miraculous conception and natural delivery I share on another blog entry. Click here to read about my (super)natural birth!
As he reached his 40th day, I heard myself uttering a prayer to God as I reached for my T3 pills in the ref. “Lord, I do not want to depend on medication all my life. Please heal me completely. By faith, I won’t take this again.” I stopped taking T3 pills from that day on, without telling my doctor.
During this time, I had met at least 3 women who have had their thyroid removed so I know this is a serious matter. One of them, an elder lady, who developed hypothyroidism at approximately my age, had a long talk to my husband and she described to him the inner turmoil that a hypothyroid person experiences–the panic attacks, the painful gut, the despair and depression—all of which I experienced to some degree. This person had to be confined in a German facility in Switzerland where she was advised to do everything that she loves to do. This is part of the rehabilitation of people with hypothyroidism. Sadly, months in that facility did not cure her condition and she still ended up having her thyroid surgically removed and is now dependent on medication for life.
Three months after retreating from medication, I had the courage to finally subject myself to a blood test. The medical technician who took my blood commented, “You have a lot of milk. You do not have hypothyroidism.” She said this even before she finished drawing blood from my left arm. I felt hopeful. Because true enough, even with the condition, my son had had his fill of milk and would sometimes even choke from an overabundance of my milk as he was nursing.
A week later I got the results! YES, my thyroid levels were now normal! A month later, I had another test and it came out normal once again. That was almost a year ago. I also noticed just a few days ago that my eyebrows are now filled. This is not about vanity. One of the classic symptoms of hypothyroidism is sparseness of eyebrows, especially the lower third of the brows.
A friend asked me what I did to be healed. Well, I prayed and God healed me. The Bible says that Jesus died on the cross not just to take away our sins. He died to take upon himself our infirmities. “With His stripes, we are healed,” says the prophet Isaiah (isa. 53:5) He received a total of 39 lashes, which coincidentally is the same number of diseases that beset the modern man.
So now, I can enjoy not just chocolate cakes and pastries but, more than that, I have my health back! Thanks to Jesus Christ who healed me and continues to heal me! HalleluYah!
Do you need a miracle? Why don’t you ask Jesus to heal you? Only He can heal you body, soul and spirit. And all it takes is one simple prayer.
Say this, “Jesus, please heal me.”
And watch Him move on your behalf.
Jesus promised: “I am come that they might have life,and that they might have it more abundantly.” -John 10:10
“According to your faith, be it done to you.” –Matthew 9:29
These promises were given for you!
If you want to know more about a personal relationship with Jesus, visit this site: I’d also appreciate if you can leave me a message here or at
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