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What She Wants To Be. . .

Ask a child the right questions and you are bound to be surprised!


“What do you want to be when you grow up?” I casually asked Mishca before her afternoon nap. I was not really expecting an answer. After all, my daughter is just 22 months old.


But  answer she did!  This girl always seems to know what she wants.


 Mommy at Pico de Loro

“Climbing UP the mountains!” she animatedly exclaimed. 

Oh, so my daughter wants to be a mountaineer.


We don’t know where she got the idea.

How was she to know that before she was born Daddy and Mommy loved climbing mountains?

Can’t wait to take her with us in our future hiking trips. –March 19, 2013













Mommy & Daddy at Capones Island
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